List the Declared Credentials

Credential list is a method to obtain all the credentials declared by the specified DID.


//if did has 6 credentials, ids.length == 6
let ids = await VerifiableCredential.list(did);

//if did has 200 declared credentials, ids1.length == 128, ids2.length == 72
let ids1 = await VerifiableCredential.list(did);
let ids2 = await VerifiableCredential.list(did, ids1.length);

//if did has 1028 declared credentials, ids1.length == 512, ids2.length == 512, ids3.length == 4
ids1 = await VerifiableCredential.list(did, 0, 1028);
ids2 = await VerifiableCredential.list(did, 512, 516);
let ids3 = await VerifiableCredential.list(did, 1024, 4);


public static list(
	did: DID,
	skip = 0,
	limit = 0
): Promise<DIDURL[]>;

did is the owner who needs to list all the declared credentials; skip is to ignore the first skip-the credentials; limit indicates the maximum number of credentials that can be listed.

If limit is the default value and the actual number of declared credentials in the chain surpasses 128, only 128 credentials will be returned. Set skip to get the remaining credentials. If limit > 512 and there are more than 512 declared credentials in the chain, only 512 credentials will be returned. Set skip to get the remaining credentials.

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