⚙️Build and Installation

The compilation of sources works on MacOS, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), and Windows and provides the option to cross-compile for target systems of iOS, Android, and RaspberryPi.

CMake is used to build, test, and package the Elastos DID project in an operating system and compiler independent manner.

Confident knowledge of CMake is required.

Build on Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Host

1. Brief introduction

On Ubuntu / Debian / Linux, besides the compilation for the host itself, cross-compilation is possible for the following targets:

  • Android with architectures of armv7a, arm64, and simulators of x86/x86_64 are supported.

  • RaspberryPi with architecture armv7l only will be supported later.

2. Install Pre-Requirements

To generate Makefiles by using configure or cmake and manage dependencies of the DID project certain packages must be installed on the host before compilation.

Run the following commands to install the prerequisite utilities:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -f build-essential autoconf automake autopoint libtool flex bison libncurses5-dev cmake

Download this repository using Git:

git clone https://github.com/elastos/Elastos.DID.Native.SDK

3. Build to run on host (Ubuntu / Debian / Linux)

To compile the project from source code for the target to run on Ubuntu / Debian / Linux, carry out the following steps:

Open a new terminal window.

Navigate to the previously downloaded folder that contains the source code of the DID project.

cd YOUR-PATH/Elastos.DID.Native.SDK

Enter the 'build' folder.

cd build

Create a new folder with the target platform name, then change the directory.

mkdir linux
cd linux

Generate the Makefile in the current directory:

Note: Please see custom options below.

cmake ../..

Optional (Generate the Makefile): To be able to build a distribution with a specific build type Debug/Release, as well as with customized install location of distributions, run the following commands:


Tips: Must update cmake version larger than 3.13, if enable python (-DENABLE_PYTHON=TURE) on Linux platform!

Build the program:

Note: If "make" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make" instead.


Install the program:

Note: If "make install" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make install" instead.

make install

Create distribution package:

Note: If "make dist" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make dist" instead.

make dist

4.Use maven package

cd linux/outputs/lib


Package the file a under the folder for static connection and package the file dylib under the folder for dynamic connection.

Build on macOS Host

1. Brief introduction

On macOS, besides the compilation for the host itself, cross-compilation is possible for the following targets:

  • Android with architectures of armv7a, arm64, and simulators of x86/x86_64 are supported.

  • iOS platforms to run on iPhone-arm64 and iPhoneSimulator-x86_64.

2. Install Pre-Requirements

packages must be installed on the host before compilation.

The following packages related to configure and cmake must be installed on the host before compilation either by installation through the package manager homebrew or by building from source:

Note: Homebrew can be downloaded from the Homebrew web site.

Install packages with Homebrew:

brew install autoconf automake libtool shtool pkg-config gettext cmake

Please note that homebrew has an issue with linking gettext. If you have an issue with the execution of autopoint, fix it by running:

brew link --force gettext

Download this repository using Git:

git clone https://github.com/elastos/Elastos.DID.Native.SDK

3. Build to run on host

To compile the project from source code for the target to run on MacOS, carry out the following steps:

Open a new terminal window.

Navigate to the previously downloaded folder that contains the source code of the DID project.

cd YOUR-PATH/Elastos.DID.Native.SDK

Enter the 'build' folder.

cd build

Create a new folder with the target platform name, then change directory.

mkdir macos
cd macos

Generate the Makefile in the current directory:

Note: Please see custom options below

cmake ../..

Optional (Generate the Makefile): To be able to build a distribution with a specific build type Debug/Release, as well as with customized install location of distributions, run the following commands: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=YOUR-INSTALL-PATH ../..

Build the program:

Note: If "make" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make" instead.


Install the program:

Note: If "make install" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make install" instead.

make install

Create distribution package:

Note: If "make dist" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make dist" instead.

make dist

4. Cross-compilation for iOS Platform

With CMake, Elastos DID can be cross-compiled to run on iOS as a target platform, while compilation is carried out on a MacOS host with XCode.

Prerequisite: MacOS version must be 9.0 or higher.

Open a new terminal window.

Navigate to the previously downloaded folder that contains the source code of the DID project.

cd YOUR-PATH/Elastos.DID.Native.SDK

Enter the 'build' folder.

cd build

Create a new folder with the target platform name, then change directory.

mkdir ios
cd ios

To generate the required Makefile in the current directory, please make sure to first replace 'YOUR-IOS-PLATFORM' with the correct option.

-DIOS_PLATFORM accepts the following target architecture options:

  • iphoneos

  • iphonesimulator

Replace 'YOUR-IOS-PLATFORM' with the path to the extracted NDK folder.

Run the command with the correct options described above:

cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=YOUR-IOS-PLATFORM -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../cmake/iOSToolchain.cmake ../..

Build the program:

Note: If "make" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make" instead.


Install the program:

Note: If "make install" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make install" instead.

make install

Create distribution package:

Note: If "make dist" fails due to missing permissions, use "sudo make dist" instead.

make dist

5.Use maven package

cd macos/outputs/lib


Package the file a under the folder for static connection and package the file dylib under the folder for dynamic connection.

Build on Windows Host

1. Brief introduction

With CMake, Elastos DID can be cross-compiled to run only on Windows as target platform, while compilation is carried out on a Windows host. Now only support 64-bit (32-bit later) target versions are supported.

2. Set up Environment


  • Visual Studio IDE is required. The Community version can be downloaded at Visual Studio downloads for free.

  • Download and install "Visual Studio Command Prompt (devCmd)" from Visual Studio Marketplace.

  • Install 'Desktop development with C++' Workload

Start the program 'Visual Studio Installer'.

Alternative: Start Visual Studio IDE. In the menu, go to "Tools >> Get Tools and Features", it will open the Visual Studio Installer.

Make sure 'Desktop development with C++' Workload is installed.

On the right side, make sure in the 'Installation details' all of the following are installed:

  • "Windows 8.1 SDK and UCRT SDK" <- might have to be selected additionally

  • "Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17134.0)" <- might have to be selected additionally

  • "VC++ 2017 version 15.9 ... tools"

  • "C++ Profiling tools"

  • "Visual C++ tools for CMake"

  • "Visual C++ ATL for x86 and x64"

Additional tools are optional, some additional ones are installed by default with the Workload.

After modifications, restarting of Visual Studio might be required.

3. Build to run on a host

To compile the project from source code for the target to run on Windows, carry out the following steps:

In Visual Studio, open Visual Studio Command Prompt from the menu "Tools >> Visual Studio Command Prompt". It will open a new terminal window.

Note: To build for a 32-bit target , select x86 Native Tools Command Console to run building commands, otherwise, select x64 Native Tools Command Console for a 64-bit target.

Navigate to the previously downloaded folder that contains the source code of the DID project.

cd YOUR-PATH/Elastos.DID.Native.SDK

Enter the 'build' folder.

cd build

Create a new folder with the target platform name, then change directory.

mkdir win
cd win

Generate the Makefile in the current directory:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=outputs ..\..

Build the program:


Install the program:

nmake install

Create distribution package:

nmake dist

4.Use maven package

cd win/outputs/lib


Package the file a under the folder for static connection and package the file dylib under the folder for dynamic connection.

Last updated