List the Declared Credentials

Credential List s a method used to obtain all declared credentials of the specified DID.


DIDURL *buffer[512] = {0};
//if did has 2 credentials, size == 2
ssize_t size = Credential_List(&did, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, 2);

//if did has 200 declared credentials, size == 128, size2 == 72
size = Credential_List(&did, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, 0);
ssize_t size2 = Credential_List(&did, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 128, 0);

//if did has 1028 declared credentials, size == 512, size2 == 512, size3 == 4
size = Credential_List(&did, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, 520);
size2 = Credential_List(&did, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 512, 516);
ssize_t size3 = Credential_List(&did, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1024, 4);


ssize_t Credential_List(
    DID *did,
    DIDURL **buffer,
    size_t size,
    int skip, int limit);

did is the owner who needs to enumerate all declared credentials; skip is to ignore the first skip credentials; limit indicates how many credentials the list can accept at most.

If limit is the default value and the actual number of declared credentials in the chain is greater than 128, only 128 credentials will be returned. If you want to get the remaining credentials, you can set skip. If the limit is greater than 512 and the actual declared credential on the chain is greater than 512, only 512 credentials will be returned. If you want to get the remaining credentials, you can set skip.

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