Sign and Verify Data by DID Document

The DID document can sign the data on behalf of DID, so the DID document offers methods for signing and verifying data.


public signWithId(
	id: DIDURL | string | null,
	storepass: string, Buffer[]
): Promise<string>

This method signs the data with the private key of the specified key, and then return signature.

public signWithStorePass(
	storepass: string, Buffer[]
): Promise<string>

This method uses the default key of the DID document to sign the data, and then return the signature. If the DID document is a multi-signed customized DID document, an error is returned.

public async signWithTicket(
	ticket: TransferTicket,
	storepass: string
): Promise<TransferTicket>

This method applies to the multi-signing of TransferTicket. According to the multi-signature rule of the customized DID document, this method is used for the second and later controller DID document signature. See “Transfer DID” for specific examples.

public async signWithDocument(
	doc: DIDDocument,
	storepass: string
): Promise<DIDDocument>

The method is used for the multi-signing of the customized DID Document. According to the multi-signature rule of the customized DID document, it is used for the second and later controller DID document signature. See “Create multi-signed customized DID” for specific examples.

public verify(
	id: DIDURL | string | null,
	signature: string, Buffer[]
): boolean;

This method verifies the signature. If the key, signature, and data don't match, the verification fails, which mainly prevents data from being tampered with.

id is the ID of the key; the signature denotes the string of the results containing a signature; data refers to the original signed data.

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