
Elastos Hive takes self-ownership in the digital domain to the next level, where users select how and where they prefer to store the data that is rightfully theirs. Whether in the form of collective search histories, online retail purchases, social media activity, or conventional file storage for documents, photos, and videos, Hive allows users to store their data on local devices and virtual machines alike, all while remaining fully decentralized.

Users have the ability to transfer data to other locations or storage spaces whenever they please, where storage is powered by Swift/Java SDKs for mobile apps and JS SDKs for websites. Those with Elastos DIDs can enable certain permissions for others to access their stored data. Users can also leverage Vaults to choose their preferred storage locations, where developers can also easily build and deploy applications on Elastos.

Types of data include search history, social media activity, digital file collections, purchases, and more. Hive is redefining the way people store data, restoring the essentials of decentralization and privacy in regards to how information is kept safe and secure.

Features at a Glance

1. Low Resource-Consumption

The typical IPFS peer is a resource-hungry program that consumes resources and slows down a mobile device when IPFS Daemon is installed. Elastos Hive is low-consumption, solving this problem.

2. User Customization

Access controls allow data-owning individuals to leverage Elastos Decentralized Identities (DIDs) to select other users who can read or contribute to his or her data, as well as to specify conditions for which reading and contribution are allowed and prohibited.

3. Scripting Mechanism

A customized scripting mechanism that allows for fine control over data access of different DID users.

4. Vault Selection

Allows users to select their own storage location, referred to as a Vault. You can pay for a vault from a third party or go full control mode and have your own personal vault to store your data. This service effectively offers developers an all-inclusive package where they set out to develop on Elastos. It allows you to build your entire platform within the Elastos ecosystem.

5. Open-Source

Provides all of the services of the open source version, with the added benefit of compatibility across the rest of Elastos’ platform components.

6. Database Management

Structured data object access and store in MongoDB.

Last updated