Peer to Peer

#Peer to Peer: The peer to peer (p2p) package (Elastos.ELA.SideChain.ESC/p2p) allows you to rapidly and easily add p2p networking to any type of application. The p2p package is set up in a modular structure where extending it with your own additional sub protocols is easy and straightforward.

Starting the p2p service only requires you to setup a p2p.Server{} with a few settings:

import ""
import ""

nodekey, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
srv := p2p.Server{
	MaxPeers:   10,
	PrivateKey: nodekey,
	Name:       "my node name",
	ListenAddr: ":30300",
	Protocols:  []p2p.Protocol{},

If we want to extend the capabilities of our p2p server, we need to pass it an additional sub protocol in the Protocol: []p2p.Protocol{} array.

An additional sub protocol that has the ability to respond to the message "foo" with "bar" requires you to setup a p2p.Protocol{}:

func MyProtocol() p2p.Protocol {
	return p2p.Protocol{ // 1.
		Name:    "MyProtocol",                                                    // 2.
		Version: 1,                                                               // 3.
		Length:  1,                                                               // 4.
		Run:     func(peer *p2p.Peer, ws p2p.MsgReadWriter) error { return nil }, // 5.
  1. A sub-protocol object in the p2p package is called Protocol{}. Each time a peer connects with the capability of handling this type of protocol, it will use this

  2. The name of your protocol to identify the protocol on the network

  3. The version of the protocol

  4. The amount of messages this protocol relies on. Because the p2p is extendible and has the ability to send an arbitrary amount of messages, (with a type, which we'll see later) the p2p handler needs to know how much space it must reserve for your protocol - this is to ensure consensus can be reached between the peers doing a negotiation over the message IDs. Our protocol supports only one message (as you'll see later).

  5. The main handler of your protocol. We've left this intentionally blank for now. The peer variable is the peer connected to you and provides you with some basic information regarding the peer. The ws variable, which is a reader and writer, allows you to communicate with the peer. If a message is being sent to us by that peer, the MsgReadWriter will handle it, and vice versa.

Lets fill in the blanks and create a Let'suseful peer by allowing it to communicate with another:

const messageId = 0   // 1.
type Message string   // 2.

func msgHandler(peer *p2p.Peer, ws p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
    for {
        msg, err := ws.ReadMsg()   // 3.
        if err != nil {            // 4.
            return err // if reading fails return err which will disconnect the peer.

        var myMessage [1]Message
        err = msg.Decode(&myMessage) // 5.
        if err != nil {
            // handle decode error
        switch myMessage[0] {
        case "foo":
            err := p2p.SendItems(ws, messageId, "bar")  // 6.
            if err != nil {
                return err // return (and disconnect) error if writing fails.
             fmt.Println("recv:", myMessage)

    return nil
  1. The one and only message we know about

  2. A typed string we decode in to

  3. ReadMsg waits on the line until it receives a message (an error or EOF)

  4. In case of an error during reading, it's best to return that error and let the p2p server handle it. This usually results in a disconnect from the peer

  5. msg contains two fields and a decoding method:

    • Code contains the message id, Code == messageId (i.e., 0)

    • Payload the contents of the message

    • Decode(<ptr>) is a helper method for: take msg.Payload and decodes the rest of the message in to the given interface. If it fails it will return an error

  6. If the message we decoded was foo, respond with a NewMessage using the messageId message identifier and the message bar. The bar message would be handled in the default case in the same switch

With this completed, we'd have a working p2p server with a message passing sub protocol.

package main

import (


const messageId = 0

type Message string

func MyProtocol() p2p.Protocol {
	return p2p.Protocol{
		Name:    "MyProtocol",
		Version: 1,
		Length:  1,
		Run:     msgHandler,

func main() {
	nodekey, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
	srv := p2p.Server{
		MaxPeers:   10,
		PrivateKey: nodekey,
		Name:       "my node name",
		ListenAddr: ":30300",
		Protocols:  []p2p.Protocol{MyProtocol()},

	if err := srv.Start(); err != nil {

	select {}

func msgHandler(peer *p2p.Peer, ws p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
	for {
		msg, err := ws.ReadMsg()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var myMessage Message
		err = msg.Decode(&myMessage)
		if err != nil {
			// handle decode error

		switch myMessage {
		case "foo":
			err := p2p.SendItems(ws, messageId, "bar"))
			if err != nil {
				return err
			fmt.Println("recv:", myMessage)

	return nil

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