The built-in connector standard

The Javascript window.elastos instance

In javascript environments (using the Connectivity SDK JS), mobile wallets supporting Elastos features - such as Elastos Essentials - define the global window.elastos instance in their in-app browser, similarly to window.ethereum used to inject Ethereum Web3 providers.

window.elastos replaces other connectors

When window.elastos is defined (injected by the parent native browser or plugin), the connectivity SDK uses it automatically. Other connectors added by dApps are not used in such case.

window.elastos is not window.ethereum

If you are used to write Ethereum web3 apps, you may have used window.ethereum as a web3 instance to execute Ethereum requests.

Elastos' window.elastos is similar, but used to pass Elastos specific commands such as DID credential requests (eg: requestCredentials(), to "sign in with DID")

When a dApp is running inside a mobile wallet application such as Elastos Essentials, both window.ethereum and window.elastos are defined.

How to detect if we are in a specific built-in browser?

// We are in the "Essentials" browser
if ( === "essentialsiab") {

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